WWE World Wrestling Entertainment

WWE RAW Superstars
WWE Smack Down Superstars

This content will be about WWE World Wrestling Entertainment.

I like to watch Professional wrestling sice my childhood, and I wanted to be wrestler. I trainned hard, and I practiced Judo, Karate, Tae kwon do, sambo and more. I gave up to be one, bucause I was not big enough to became wrestler, and wasn't good enough. I used to watch American Professional wrestling, but before I know I prefered watching martial arts to watching Show wrestling.

Off course, I knew that Professional wrestling was show, but I prefered watching Japanese Professional nearly real fight to watching American professional wrestling as show. But one day, one of my friend who likes professional wrestling very much recomended to watch American professional wrestling. I reluctantly watch WCW, then I was shocked.

Just time, I was bored Japanese wrestling, WCW entertained very good shows. Then I watched WWE, and I fell into WWE. WWE saids "professional wrestling is not martial arts, it's entertainment!" They attached importance to how to entertain the audience.

Some people in Japan don't watch Japanese wrestling and dislike it, but love to watch WWE. WWE attach importance to story line rather than fighting. They employ many playwrite from Hollywood, almost like soap opera. The wrestlers are variety, biggest wrestler is about 7'4 and smallest wrestler is about 5'4. Their entrance scene is very gaily.

WWE is not just show business, they do public stock offering, and contribute to NYC $1million when the terrorism occured at WTC. WWE has restaurant in NYC. The wrestlers go to schools to teach how important to study and read books. Most of them graduated college. Some wrestlers even have CPA or lawyer. They often do volunteer activities.

My favorite wrestres are KANE, Duddly Boys, Bradshow. I liked some other wrestlers, but WWE has strict roles like as don't be vaiolence, no drugs, no steroid, and if any wrestler broke the roles, they immidiatly fired. There were major promotor such as WCW or ECW, but both bankrupt, so place where wrestlers can active in is only WWE.

Program guide

WWE introduce 2 leagues, they have RAW team and Smack Down team. We can watch 4 programs in Japan now. Because WWE is so famous in Japan, we can watch 4 more programs next year.

Prgrams we can watch now

HEAT (RAW) Saturday   14:00 - 15:00 J-Sky Sports  1-3
RAW Monday     15:00 - 17:00 J-Sky Sports  3
SMACK DOWN Tuesday    16:00 - 18:00 J-Sky Sports  1
Velocity (SD) Friday       17:00 - 18:00 J-Sky Sports  1-3
Bottom Line & After Burn Thursday   22:00 - 23:35 FIGHTING TV SAMURAI

Since Feb, 2003 we cannot watch monthly PPV by free. We can watch PPV by free now, if we made a contract J-Sky Sports. But we will have to pay $12 for each PPV. If it will be good enough to pay, we can stand, but if it will not, we cannot stand it!

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